
Exercise 1

Create a folder with the name “assignment1” with the following files:

├── main.c
├── my_notes.txt
└── README.md
// main.c should contain the following

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  cout << "Hello world!" << endl
  return 0

Try compiling the code… Something isn’t right, isn’t it?

  1. Initialize a new repository with a main branch and ensure that the my_notes.txt file is not tracked in the repository.
Maybe you should create a .gitignore file.
  1. Create a seperate devv branch, move into it and apply the necessary changes to the main.c file for it to compile.
This step involves quite a few commands to run after you've applied your changes. are you well versed?
  1. Go back to the main branch and add the following line of code before the program prints its message: int x = 47;

  2. Merge the devv branch into the main branch and delete the devv branch.

Try running git log. VSCode and other code editors provide a super useful interface for git, consider trying them out!